Climate change program
EconomicaL Crisis
Security Council
Disarmament and Security
The delegates work for keeping the human rights strong on the different countries they represent, also looking up for the other delegate's dessicions.
The countries should work together so they create resolucions to the different problems of each one, The lobby time y useful for this, it is set onece in each debate, the countries team up and create solutions.
Each delegate should have the document required before the meeting for introducing their countries to the comissions, these documents also work as help on the debates and as a support in the deccisions.
The delegates know their responsibilities as delegates, their countries must find a solution to their problems by no affecting the rights of the other countries.
First steps
Let's keep going
Growing up!
Meeting other schools
Liceo Militar, Colegio Calasanz, Colegio Nuevo Chile y Colegio Juan Rulfo.
Welcome to the fourth meeting of the Model United Nations, MUN. Today we warmly welcome students, teachers, principals, and other guests attended the opening of our fourth meeting of the United Nations UN, which will take place on 18th October at Calle 140, No. 18- 05 Auditorium Books and Books and 19th , 20th in La Avenida Carrera 68, No. 30-15 South Central Corporate Headquarters Kennedy. The opening ceremony begins with the call list by delegations led by presidents of each committee. Then the principal, Maritza Daza Velázquez, BA in Spanish and Literature at the University of La Salle, Specialist in Philosophy from the University of La Salle, with extensive experience in management processes and training, will do the opening ceremony welcoming illustrious and important event, expressing appreciation for the participation and organization to fourth Model United Nations and also stressing the importance of these kind of activities as part of the integral formation of young people, arguing that they can not be outside the discussion and reflection of the issues affecting the country and the world.
The guest Juan Camilo Sánchez, from the Militar university makes a historic review about the different kinds of conflicts in the world and ends with the main ideas about the conflict in the middle east, which presents a great amount of violent stages which do not show a possible and closer answer, actually, the violence looks like does not have an end instead, the civil wars on this area, become global, involving different international actors.